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2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

في تصريح صحفي لبرنامج المسار.. الأسير المحرر وسام حنون: "مخيمات الضفة تأثرت بسيرة جميل العموري".

4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

LinkDaddy® Brings Affordable & Effective Press Release Service for Every Business

0:08 How to craft a press release that will get a great CTR
1:14 Publish PRs Throughout The Year To Attract More
2:34 What are The Best Practices of Press Release Distribution
4:09 LinkDaddy Press Release Distribution Network
5:29 LinkDaddy helps businesses target and transform their products into PRs

An effective press release service ensures you can quickly reach out to millions of readers without the need to set up expensive advertising campaigns. However, this does not mean that every press release gets a great CTR or leads to a boost in conversions. Your published content needs to stand out to get noticed. Press releases that cannot inspire curiosity with their title or fail to capture the attention of a reader with their first few lines are not likely to bring about the desired results.

LinkDaddy provides top-quality content writers for crafting a copy that can hook readers, raising the probability of getting distributed across the global and local media directories.

Promotional or informational, what is the correct approach for a press release?

LinkDaddy has brought together a team of seasoned PR professionals who can easily swap between a brand story and industrial insight along with a bit of journalistic enthusiasm to create a PR that is short of being over-promotional and still, it delivers the message, highlighting the brand rather than pushing the boundaries.

Does an immaculately written press release promise more online traffic for your brand? Not always!

You need to ensure that a PR makes it to the relevant news database and to newswires where it can reach the audience it wants to engage. This increases the chances of the PR being appreciated by media influencers, boosting longer-term visibility on popular search engines like Google.

LinkDaddy offers a comprehensive press release distribution network that is cost-effective and takes your press release to the right channels. LinkDaddy provides the transparency you seek when investing in a service. The key difference is the outreach we have, and the filters we apply when distributing a press release. This means publishing a PR targeting local search engines and local news publication platforms for the area you prefer. This could be a city, nearby locations, or a state you are targeting to take your business to the next level. To ensure that the exposure is better focused, LinkDaddy has a network of geographically categorized online directories that help to deliver the PR across a defined area.

What if you don’t have any newsworthy to be written about, and it seems like most PRs are synonymous with something significant? LinkDaddy provides a solution for such problems, even if you don’t have a product launch or an industry event to highlight. Its team can work out a story angle even if you are short on breakthrough products or niche-defining services. Every press release cannot work magic right away and get your business featured on the home page of Forbes. However, when done correctly and consistently, it can drive traffic to your website!

Why does our premium press release service insist on delivering at least 1000 words for $99? There is a reason why digital marketing agencies insist on investing in long-form writing. Industry trends indicate that editorials and content pieces with a word count of 1000 words or thereabouts tend to have better backlink acquisition score. Such copies are also associated with more brand authority, raising the credibility of the brand. Long-form content seems to have a better shareability status as compared to short articles. Realizing this, the top-tier of LinkDaddy PR service provides a 1000+ word press release.

With LinkDaddy as your dedicated press release service provider, you can take up any of the three subscription options, starting from $49 for a 500-word press release. If the information you want to share needs a longer copy, you can opt for the 750-word PR for $69. Across all of our press release packages, you get a PR distribution service that ensures the copy gets published and then syndicated across major news sites, local news agencies, news aggregator platforms, newswires, press-wires, social platforms, and other online databases. Each press release is published with 100% SEO optimization to boost its online crawling, indexing, and visibility. This includes use of embedded images & videos, quotes, and backlinks from DoFollow sites.

LinkDaddy will get your Premium Press Release syndicated on major news publications, delivered into newsrooms, sent directly to targeted journalists, posted to social media and pushed onto mobile devices.

Visit today for more information about our Premium Press Release Services!

6 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Пресс-конференция на тему "Итоги работы управления экономической безопасности и противодействия коррупции УМВД России по Томской области" с участием руководителя ведомства Алексея Козярского.

3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Подпишитесь на нашу страничку и давайте вместе издадим книгу и распространим ее через большие магазины страны: Лабиринт, Литрес, ОЗОН, Библио-глобус, Wildberries и пр. Книга может выйти в печатном или электронном виде, а также это может быть аудиокнига. По факту выпуска издания наши копирайтеры напишут пресс-релизы и опубликуют их в ведущих СМИ России.

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4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Консультант по мобильному маркетингу и продвижению мобильных приложений Егор Карпов продолжает обучающий курс, посвященный продвижению мобильных приложений.

Из данной части вы узнаете как построить процесс продвижения приложения в СМИ, а именно:
- что такое пресс-кит и как его подготовить;
- как рассылать пресс-релизы;
- как составить и вести список;
- как бесплатно попасть в любое СМИ;
- как получить максимальный эффект от статьи;
- и многое другое.

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4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

http://www/ Press releases are one of the most important tools in your publicity kit.

Many DIY promoters think journalists, bloggers and others will be insulted if you call what you are writing by the wrong name. Truth is, they don't care what you call it, as long as it's interesting. Today, we write press releases primarily to reach consumers directly online and bypass the media. Consumers can find the releases through the search engines. They can read the release, click through to our website and buy something. So even if journalists think the press release isn't worth their time and attention, it might attract the attention of consumers. Surveys have shown that journalists spend only five seconds reading a release before deciding whether to use it or toss it. So if you're sending it to a news outlet, it should be compelling, interesting and newsy.

If you're writing your press release primarily for consumers, however, it doesn't necessarily have to include news. For example, you can write press releases even when you have no news to announce.

Authors who want book publicity might excerpt tips from their books and use them within the press release. Or you might write about how to use a product or service you offer. Be sure to include the link at your website where people can buy it. These things are far more important than whether you call it a press release, a news release or a media release:

- -Including wrong information, particularly telephone numbers, addresses, or links. Releases must be complete, accurate and specific. Have someone proofread them.

- -Writing too long if the release is being sent to the media. They should be no longer than about 750 words. If posting a release through a press release distribution site, you can write longer.

- -Distributing them too late. You must know the deadlines of various media where you want coverage. Local newspapers, for example, might want the release two weeks before your event. But if you want to get into a national magazine that has long lead times, you may have to send it six months in advance. If you're not sure of deadlines, call and ask.

--Blatant commercialism. Avoid hackneyed words and phrases such as spectacular, incredible, the only one of its kind, breakthrough, cutting-edge, unique and state-of-the-art.

- -Omitting a contact name, phone number or email address. At the top of the first page in the left corner, let editors know who they can call if they have questions. Watch the video I created that explains the six parts of a press release at

--Calling or emailing right after you send a release and asking questions like "Did you get my news release?" Or "Do you know when it will be printed?" These questions will brand you as a pest. Don't follow up with a phone call to see if the media got your release, unless you are absolutely sure that someone will check for you. Most don't have time. If you do follow up, make sure you have a reason to call. Suggest a particular angle to your story, or ask the media if they need any other information. Sign up for my free weekly newsletter, filled with tips like these, at

Other Mistakes to Avoid:

--Using outdated media reference books. Even if you're using the most current books, double-check to see if the person to whom you are sending the release still works there, and that the address is the same. A release sent to an editor who died 10 years ago eventually will be routed to the right person, but they'll think you don't care about the publication or who works there.

- -Sending the same press release to more than one department at the same media outlet without letting both journalists know that you are doing so. One newspaper I worked at unknowingly printed the same press release three times in different sections of the paper, on the same day.

--Sending a journalist a photo that lacks identification. Photos should include the photo subject's name, title and company.

--Forgetting to give the booth number if you're writing about a new product that is being featured at a trade show.

--Sending the press release by snail-mail when the media outlet prefers email. (Most do.)

--Emailing press releases as attachments. Include the press release in the body of the email. Or, you can email a short message to the recipient, explaining what the release is about, and then include a link to the press release.

--Sending a press release as a zipped file that must be downloaded and unzipped. Take my free press release writing course at

For 75 news release samples that show various press release formats, get Mickie Kennedy's free Big Book of Press Releases at (affiliate link)

0 Просм. · 4 мес. назад - Get your FREE Report called "How to write a press release that gets you tons of free publicity, gives you expert recognition and increases sales" written by top publicity expert Sharon Bolt - founder of Get Free Publicity Today.

We've created a series of videos for people who want to grow their business, attract more clients and increase sales by effectively using press releases. The videos include how to succeed using public relations, how to write a press release that gets attention and the best press release format to use. Also included is what a press release template looks like, press release distribution and press release examples.

Please subscribe, share and leave a video comment.

If you prefer to read, rather than watch the video, here's the script:


I'm Sharon Bolt and I’m the founder of Get Free Publicity Today. I'm a publicity expert whose been featured in more than 40 local and national newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations and I am regularly featured on BBC Radio Sussex and Surrey.

I've created a series of videos for people who want to grow their business, attract more clients and increase sales by effectively using press releases. The videos include how to succeed using public relations, how to write a press release that gets attention and the best press release format to use.

Title: Public Relations

(01:01) Most business owners have heard of public relations, or PR, but little know how to write a press release that grabs the media's attention.

Some businesses dabble in sending out press releases with little to moderate success while others spend a fortune employing the services of a public relations specialist.

When done right a media release is a great way of building your business, your brand and increasing sales.

There are so many benefits for writing a press release, the first one being that it is FREE advertising or very low cost.

Another benefit is that you can easily learn how to write press releases yourself and cut the cost of a public relations specialist.

When you're featured in the media, as a result of writing a press release, you're automatically positioned as an expert in your field, you get instant credibility, are able to charge premium prices and get your ideal clients wanting to work with you.

You get all of this for little or no cost and usually for under an hour of your time.

The key is to create newsworthy stories and win-win situations with the media.

This means you either educate their audience, give them great information and/or entertaining stories and in exchange they print, feature or broadcast you and your stories.

Do you want to know how to write a press release that gets the media's attention?

Then stay tuned as I've got just the thing to help you...

(03:13) In order to help you with your press releases, I've written a report that you can download for free, which is called:

"How to write a press release that gets you tons of free publicity, gives you expert recognition and increases sales"

During the report I share in-depth information on what to include in a press release, how editors select press releases for publication and information about writing headlines, inserting quotes, conclusions and boilerplates.

You can get the FREE report now by clicking on the link if it shows on the screen or in the description box below.

To watch Sharon's video about public relations go here:

To watch her video about how to write a press release go here:

To watch her video about how to get free advertising go here:

To watch her video about how to increase business opportunities go here:

Public Relations
How To Write A Press Release
Press Release Template
Free Advertising
Business Opportunities
Press Release Format
Press Release Example
Press Releases
Media Release
Sample Press Release
Press Release Distribution
What Is A Press Release
Writing A Press Release
Public Relations Specialist
Free Business Advertising
Free Online Advertising
Press Release Sample
News Release
Free Press Release Distribution
How To Write Press Release
Publicity Stunt
Free Press Release
Free PR
How To Write A Press Release For An Event
How To Do A Press Release
Example Of Press Release
Example Press Release
News Release Format
Example Of A Press Release
Examples Of Press Releases
Press Release Definition
How To Write A Good Press Release
Event Press Release
How To Send A Press Release
News Release Example
How To Write A News Release
Public Relations Campaign
Free Press Release Sites
PR Tips


1 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

If you're thinking about starting a business, it's important to know how to best market yourself. One of the most popular ways to get your company noticed is by writing a press release for your new business. While there are many ways to promote your business, press releases are one of the most effective ways because they’re distributed to a large audience in one go. They can be published online or in print and help raise awareness about your company and its products or services.

00:04 Why You Should Write a Press Release For Your New Business
00:34 Reasons To Write a Press Release for Your Business
01:38 Market Yourself as an Entrepreneur By Writing Press Releases

Writing a press release is a great way to announce your new business and provide information about what it is, what your goals are, and why you're excited about it. It's also a way to build buzz around your business before you launch it. With that, here are some reasons why you should write a press release for your new business:

First, it increases awareness of your company or product among potential customers and investors. This can help you get more customers and funding.
Next, it alerts the media that there's something interesting going on in your field. If they think it's newsworthy, they might write about it and share it with their followers online. This is another way to get people interested in your product or service!
Thirdly, a well-written press release can help convince journalists that your business has value, so they'll be more likely to write about it. This is also a great way to build relationships with reporters and journalists who may be interested in working with you in the future.

Writing a press release is also an important part of marketing yourself as an entrepreneur. When people see that your company’s been covered by major news outlets like The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times, they'll be more likely to trust that you know what you're doing, and they’d be more likely to give your business a try.

You won’t find any other press release agency that has access to major distribution channels and gives you the best value for your hard-earned cash.

Visit today to order our Premium Press Release Services and start spreading the word about your business now.
Not sure who LinkDaddy is?
Submit 1 URL and 1 Keyword, and get a free backlinks campaign for your website, valued at $35 to try out our service.

Need niche relevant backlinks for link building? LinkDaddy’s Link Building Service helps rank your Video, Google Map Listing, Website and will Power Up your Citations, Niche Edits, Guest Posts, Social Listings and other Mentions of your Business on the internet to help drive more Traffic and get you more Customers. Call +1 310 299 2782 if you want more clients from Google and Youtube or visit

This video can be found on this channel:

4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Сегодня ряд СМИ обнародовал весьма специфичное поручение главы региона своим заместителям и руководителям органов исполнительной власти.

Это поручение обязывает их согласовывать все пресс-релизы, публикации в соцсетях и общение с журналистами с пресс-службой правительства.

0 Просм. · 4 мес. назад Сегодня мы поговорим о семинарах. Точнее, о том, как написать пресс-релиз, приглашающий на такой семинар. Нет-нет, не бойтесь, не буду я вас занудливо учить тому, как надо писать пресс-релизы.
Совсем даже наоборот! Давайте-ка, лучше вспомним, как мы готовимся к свиданию. Мы стараемся сделать все, чтобы выглядеть привлекательнее, ведь так?
А разве семинар или вебинар – это не свидание? Конечно, свидание и нередко - с далеко идущими последствиями. Но…
Но надо ли так же тщательно готовиться к семинару? Конечно же, нет!
Представьте: вы готовились, старались изо всех сил, и в результате на семинар пришло много народу. Ну, что в этом хорошего? Ведь они съедят все приготовленные бутерброды,
Понимаете, все!!!
Вам это надо?
Так вот, чтобы все бутерброды для семинара достались вам и только вам, я даю несколько полезных советов.
Подпишитесь на канал рынка безопасности
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4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

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Kubeir Kamal, aka Kamal Lalwani, is the founder of Ask Kubeir Immigration.
A Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) licensed under the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) with license number R706180, he is also a member of The Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC) member ID R21006.
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Canada Immigration, Life in Canada, Ask Kubeir, Canadian Immigration, Skilled Worker, Canada PR Update, Canada Visa Update, Easy Canada PR, Immigrate to Canada, Study Abroad, International Students in Canada, Canada Visa News, Canada Immigration Channel, Canada Visa News, Canada Immigration Update, Express Entry Draw, Express Entry Update, Canada PR Program Update

2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Пилот программы "StartUP News" бизнес-канала [a][/a]

Предложения о сотрудничестве, пресс-релизы, анонсы и приглашения на мероприятия присылайте на почту

Образовательный бизнес-канал MENTOR TV запускает пилотные съемки передачи про индустрию стартапов "StartUp News".

ЦЕЛЬ ПРОЕКТА: Оперативное информирование и содействие развитию предпринимательской среды, как в реальных, так и в инновационных секторах экономики – от роботостроения и инноваций, до медицины и промышленности.

Для этого мы создаем новый телевизионный формат программы для представителей малого и среднего бизнеса.

Предложения о сотрудничестве, пресс-релизы, анонсы и приглашения на мероприятия присылайте на почту, [a][/a]

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4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

In this video on how to write a good, SEO-friendly news release (press release), Jason McDonald explains six basic steps, starting with SEO keyword research, going through writing a strong TITLE tag, through keyword heavy text for the release and ending up with how to cross-link your press release to your home page for best Search Engine Optimization. (For free class materials, go to In part II of this video, Jason explains how to syndicate your press release on free press release services for maximum SEO link building and social mentions. Press releases are a fantastic SEO opportunity - so use them! This is Part 1 of a two part series.
View Part 2 at

0 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Нацбанк Молдовы 8 сентября и сегодня опубликовал пресс-релизы по ситуации со счетами приднестровских предприятий в молдавских банках. Как отметили в приднестровском Центробанке, информация в этих пресс-релизах противоречит сама себе и не соответствую действительности.
Viber ТСВ
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3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад How press releases can be a great way to gain some exposure, and determining when to send one out.

4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

If you want to spread the news about your company, press releases are a terrific option. A well-written press release may help you gain more exposure and draw more visitors to your website. The purpose of this video is to explain why and how you would want to write a press release. Writing a press release has several advantages, and we'll examine those advantages in this video. In addition, you'll get some pointers on how to craft an effective press release.

00:07 Why And How You Would Want To Write A Press Release
00:38 Where Can I Get Information About Press Releases?
1:03 Listed Perks of Having A Press Release
01:39 How To Write Press Releases For Your Business & Secure Media Coverage

Where can I get information about press releases? A press release is a document that informs the public of an upcoming event or newsworthy occasion. Distributed to many media channels, it is usually written objectively. It is important that a press release is easy to understand and includes relevant information for the target audience of the media source.

What's the Purpose of Having One?
There are several advantages to writing a press release for your organization. Included are:

1) Establish or enhance your brand image
2) Increase brand awareness
3) Reach new audiences outside of your current customer base
4) Generate interest in your product or services
5) Build relationships with reporters who cover your industry
6) Get free advertising and publicity for your brand through news coverage

The public, investors, and potential partners may learn about your company's ideas and successes by reading a press release. When a company, organization, or industry sends out a press release, it is a formal notice to the media that details significant events or developments. It's a no-risk way to promote your business. If a media outlet decides to cover your press release, you'll earn free attention for your business. A press release aids in the development of media relations. You'll be more likely to get interviewed by journalists if you send out regular press releases establishing yourself as an authority on your subject. Press releases are an effective tool for disseminating positive information about your business. The expense of creating a press release is free unless you hire someone to do it for you or use a paid service like PRWeb. Writing them regularly can enhance your website's SEO (search engine optimization) and, in turn, increase visitors.

LinkDaddy will get your Premium Press Release syndicated on major news publications, delivered into newsrooms, sent directly to targeted journalists, posted to social media and pushed onto mobile devices.

Visit today for more information about our Premium Press Release Services!$

Need niche relevant backlinks for link building? LinkDaddy’s Link Building Service helps rank your Video, Google Map Listing, Website and will Power Up your Citations, Niche Edits, Guest Posts, Social Listings and other Mentions of your Business on the internet to help drive more Traffic and get you more Customers. Call +1 310 299 2782 if you want more clients from Google and Youtube or visit

This video can be found on this channel:

2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Prweb is one of the leading press release services. This video review of Prweb explains how to use Prweb step-by-step through their Vocus service to SEO a press release. (Free class materials at Press releases are a major SEO opportunity. Search engine optimization depends on external links, external social media mentions and external buzz. Press release services like Prweb / Vocus help you to generate the buzz. Learn how to SEO your press release through one of the best paid services for news and public relations online.

1 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

What is a Press Release -- Find out what a press release is and how to get $50 off Press Release writing & distribution at

Dictionary Definition of a Press Release:
press release -- noun. an official statement issued to newspapers giving information on a particular matter

Press Releases Have Changed

- Mailed directly to editors who may or may not pick up your story
- Written for editors

- Published immediately on the web and made available to all major news outlets online
- Written directly for the buyer as well as editors

Purpose of a Press Release
To inform the media of noteworthy news about your company
Noteworthy news could consist of events, accomplishments or significant changes for you, your employees or your company

Reasons to Issue a Press Release
- Win an award
- Expand operations
- CEO has a speaking engagement
- Company anniversaries
- Add a product feature
- Write a white paper
- Land a big client

Benefits of Press Releases
- Online Exposure
- Increase in Traffic
- Backlinks
- Increased Search Engine Rankings
- Brand Awareness
- Creates Instant Expert Status
- Negative Search Displacement

What is a Press Release?
A short but newsworthy bit of company news - distributed on and offline - designed to inform and entice some type of action from the reader

$50 off Press Release writing & distribution at Click here

Youtube Source:

4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

This video about anna university apr may 2020 exam based on tn Govt press release today......

#Annauniversitylatestupdate #Annauniversitynews

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