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4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Бесплатный сервис для ведения бухгалтерии при поддержке Минфина, ФНС и Минтруда РФ:


Ведущий Роман Алеев


Канал “Новости бухгалтера”


Самые свежие новости для бухгалтера.
Ежедневные новости бухгалтерии, официальные пресс-релизы из государственных ведомств и освещение других интересных событий из бухгалтерской сферы.




Что самое важное на сегодня? Отвечаю. Госдума нам оставила прежний порядок выплаты отпускных. Ура-ура. Кто не в теме - рассказываю. По действующим правилам, отпускные сотруднику выдаются за 3 календарных дня до начала отпуска. А это значит, что заявление на него должно быть написано еще раньше, чтобы я, бухгалтер Роман Алеев, и вы, бухгалтеры, но не Роман Алеев, могли подготовить все необходимые к выплате документы. Депутаты Госдумы посчитали, что есть случаи, когда отпуск может понадобиться внезапно и за него тоже надо сразу выдавать отпускные. Не прошло.
Ну если здраво рассуждать, сравнив среднюю зарплату депутата Государственной Думы со средней зарплатой обычного россиянина, это и вправду забота о простых нас. Но есть нюансы. Все они у меня вот тут по куар-коду или по ссылке в описании, там большая база бухгалтерских знаний от Минфина, Минтруда и налоговой. Но отмечу, что даже если перевести отпускнику отпускные в день, когда он напишет заявление, то, согласно положению закона о национальной платежной системе, средства переводят в течение трех рабочих дней. Но выход есть. И он все в той же базе знаний по вот этому куар-коду или вот по этой ссылке. Есть вопросы - пишите в комментариях. Обязательно подписываемся на канал нажав кнопочку подписаться. Неожиданно, да? Ставим лайки, ждем новые и пересматриваем предыдущие выпуски. Скоро вернусь.

2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад - We've created a series of videos where we talk about free press release distribution, what a sample press release looks like and how to open up business opportunities using press releases etc.

Free Press Release Distribution

During this video I'd like to talk about Free Press Release Distribution Sites.

The best thing to say about these sites is that they're free, which is naturally a great benefit for businesses who have small budgets.

The downside is in line with the age old saying 'you get what you pay for' and the results from these sites are not often worthwhile.

Submitting releases to free press release distribution sites used to be a great method for creating back links to your site and increasing your SEO rankings, but google noticed that some businesses were inundating the press release sites with spammy releases in order to boost their rankings and therefore changed their algorithms to discount press releases in their search results.

In fact, google recommends that any links in the releases are 'no follow' links and that press releases be used for media attention and not for gaining SEO points.

The best thing is for you to test a few free press release distribution sites yourself so you can decide whether the time invested in submitting the press releases is worth the results you get.

In order to help you decide what the best free press release sites are for you to submit to here are 2 things to look for:

1. What is the page rank for the individual site - the higher the page rank the better, you're ideally looking for sites of page rank 4 and above.

2. What the Alexa traffic ranking is for the site - this is a figure that estimates website ranking based on a combination of unique visitors and page views.

Free press release distribution sites that currently rate highly on both these 2 points, that you may like to try, are:

Get your FREE Report called "How to write a press release that gets you tons of free publicity, gives you expert recognition and increases sales" by clicking here:

To watch Sharon's video about public relations go here:

To watch her video about how to write a press release go here:

To watch her video about how to get free advertising go here:

To watch her video about how to increase business opportunities go here:

To watch her video about what a press release format should look like go here:

To watch her video about how to get the best out of press releases go here:

To watch her video about how to get the best from a media release go here:

To watch her video where she gives a sample of a press release go here:

To watch her video where she talks about free press release distribution go here:

To watch her video where she explains what is a press release go here:

To watch her video where she talks about releases go here:

To watch her video where she talks about writing a press release go here:

To watch her video where she talks about being a public relations specialist go here:

To watch her video where she talks about being a public relations specialist go here:

To watch her video where she talks about free business advertising go here:

Public Relations
How To Write A Press Release
Press Release Template
Free Advertising
Business Opportunities
Press Release Format
Press Release Example
Press Releases
Media Release
Sample Press Release
Press Release Distribution
What Is A Press Release
Writing A Press Release
Public Relations Specialist
Free Business Advertising
Free Online Advertising
Press Release Sample
News Release
Free Press Release Distribution
How To Write Press Release
Publicity Stunt
Free Press Release
Free PR
How To Write A Press Release For An Event
How To Do A Press Release
Example Of Press Release
Example Press Release
News Release Format
Example Of A Press Release
Examples Of Press Releases
Press Release Definition
How To Write A Good Press Release
Event Press Release
How To Send A Press Release
News Release Example
How To Write A News Release
Public Relations Campaign
Free Press Release Sites
PR Tips


2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

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1 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Подпись в пресс-релизе. Тимур Асланов. Видеоурок Тимура Асланова по теме PR-текстов. Какой должна быть подпись в пресс-релизе. Как указывать контакты в пресс-релизе. Как научиться писать пресс-релизы. Авторство в пресс-релизе. Зачем нужна подпись в пресс-релизе. Зачем в пресс-релизе контакты.
Другие видеоуроки Тимура Асланова про PR-тексты можно посмотреть на его видеоканале.
Статьи Тимура Асланова можно найти в его блоге

3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Watch more How to Work in Public Relations videos:

First of all, let me explain to you, what is a press release. A press release is a piece of information that you distribute to the media in hopes that they're going to write about your story. It's one sheet of information explaining the message that you want to get out to the masses, basically. There's a specific way of writing a press release. It's a formula, basically, and it doesn't really change.

At the top, you have your contact information, but the most important thing is the headline. It needs to be catchy. It needs to be short and sweet. And it basically reads like a news headline would in a newspaper. Then underneath the headline is basically your tag line, kind of explaining a little bit more of what that catchy headline was. And then in the body of the press release its information. It's concise. It's not fluffy. It's basically the who, what, when, where, why in a paragraph format of what you are launching, what you're promoting.

Then at the end of the press release you have boilerplate. A boilerplate is about the company and it's basically something that you would have on the company website, just a small paragraph on what the company is. Not your company, not the PR company but the company that you're writing the press release about. Then at the end I always like to reiterate for interviews or to get in touch for more information, I again put my phone number and email. And then you get the three hash tags and you send it out.

One of things I think is press releases, you write them for everything that you're launching, but they're not necessarily going to get you that story. You need to be more creative than just a press release. The press release is there kind of like a fact sheet of information, so if you ever need to refer back to it you can send them the press release. What I'd like to make known is publicists that just send out a press release to mass media and expect to get that lead story, it's not going to happen. You need to work harder than just blasting a press release. You need to figure out where you want that story written and target a pitch specifically to that writer. Do I think press releases are not necessary? No. I think they still need to be creative, I just don't think you're going to get that huge story out of it. You need to be more creative, more strategic. But, a press release needs to be made for anything that you're launching.

8 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

5 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

C Олегом Брагинским – об эффективном пресс-релизе.

Олег Брагинский – специалист №1 по траблшутингу в России и СНГ, «гений эффективности» по версии СМИ, основатель «Школы траблшутеров» и директор «Бюро Брагинского». Кандидат наук, доцент, автор 13 учебников, 11 видеокурсов, 100 вебинаров, 280 подкастов и 925 статей. Работал в 5 государствах, руководил 200 проектами в 25 индустриях 50 стран, 20 лет проработал в компаниях Альфа-Групп. Один из наиболее просматриваемых людей планеты сети деловых контактов LinkedIn.

00:00 Вступление #Траблшутинг
01:02 Определение понятия «пресс-релиз»
02:09 Кому и зачем нужен пресс-релиз?
04:13 Виды пресс-релизов
05:46 Правила написания пресс-релиза
06:18 Ошибки
06:45 Источники информации
07:38 Структура пресс-релиза
08:12 Требования к заголовку пресс-релиза
09:09 Требования к лид-абзацу
10:14 Требования к телу пресс-релиза
11:18 Оформление бумажного пресс-релиза
12:34 Что делать после создания пресс-релиза?
14:02 Оценка эффективности пресс-релиза
15:03 Требования к пресс-секретарям
16:38 Обучение написанию пресс-релизов
17:08 Создание пресс-релиза без квалификации
18:31 Как выбрать языки для пресс-релиза?
19:23 Особенности пресс-релизов в разных странах
20:51 Лайфхаки
21:38 Кейсы, связанные с пресс-релизами
22:57 Рекомендации по теме «Эффективный пресс-релиз»
23:41 Добавления

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6 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Вебинар «Как написать пресс-релиз»

Ведущая вебинара – Ангелина Давыдова, руководитель Российско-немецкого бюро экологической информации, преподаватель журналистики СПбГУ, журналист.

2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Поговорим о роли журналистов и правах медийных людей. Об эффективности госинформполитики и открытости госорганов. Также отдельно обсудим медиа-грамотность потребителей информации, то есть слушателей, читателей, зрителей.

Гость проекта "20:20" - журналист, правозащитница, глава ОФ "Правовой медиа-центр" Диана Окремова. 

Николай Энелане - пишет в соцсетях только свое личное субъективное мнение, в котором может ошибаться.

Динара Бекболаева - Байгерожденная, Неопалимая, королева Маргариты, Королева диктофонов, ручек и Первых Ноутбуков, кхалиси великого травяного чая, Разбивающая Мифы, Матерь Редакций!

Актуальные новости текущего часа в Казахстане.

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2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Do you know how to write press releases?

With the right press release template, you’ll have a winning formula to grab attention, control the story you’re trying to share, turn heads, and build that coveted buzz.

Watch and learn:

• The definition of a press release and why you should write them
• The ROI of providing press release writing as a service
• How to write a press release, with a press release template to help you with formatting
• The 5 basic questions every news release should answer
• Press release examples and types

Read the blog with more examples:




Who's Julia McCoy?

I'm a serial entrepreneur, 5x bestselling author, and now, business strategy coach.

I've made money on the internet since I was 13. At 19 years old, I started a writing agency with my last $75; by the age of 30, I exited that exact business for 7 figures. We grew to 5,000 clients reached; a marketplace leader; and over 100 people on staff.

I hate sleaze and slime used to "sell" on the internet. My businesses are living, breathing, ten-year proof that there are better ways.

At my brand The Content Hacker, I help creative entrepreneurs get their strategy, skills & systems down for massive revenue.

My elite coaching program, The Content Transformation© System, will teach you exactly how to build & scale a market-proof, self-sustaining business you love, with a content-based game plan that will help you last for years to come.

We're here to help you grow, the right way.

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3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

How to Get Your Book On Big Time News Syndicates:


Original article:

Learn how to create book press releases that not only land on big time new agencies, but also, get you major book sales.

In this video you will learn:
- What a book press release is
- How to write a book press release
- How to access a book press release template
- How to select the best PR syndicates

In this video I’m going to teach you about writing a Book Press Release, how it can help you sell more books, and also build your authority.

I’m Dave Chesson, the creator of Kindlepreneur and today we’re going to dive into a another highly effectively but rarely known book marketing tactic.

Although writing a book press release is no new tactic, because of the internet, syndication programs, and services, it is easier than ever to create press releases that work.

To get you going, we’re going to cover:
What Press Releases Really Are
How to write them
How to get them syndicated
And some Case Studies you’re going to love


Want to Sell Your Books Like a Pro:

Get my Free Book on Increasing your Ebook's Rankings on Amazon:

What Tools do Successful Self Publishers Use?
Check out my Resources:

How to Find Profitable AMS Keywords for Books:

If you'd like access to my full free course on Book Advertisements on Amazon, then click here to access:


Dave Chesson
If you'd like to get Publisher Rocket, click here:


How to Get Your Book On Big Time News Syndicates:

3 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Руководство к пользованию журналом о консалтинге

Short tutorial of adding press-release to Viacheslav Nefedov's consulting e-magazine in russian

2 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway argues the fired Axios reporter was ‘too honest about the activist he was.’

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FOX Business Network (FBN) is a financial news channel delivering real-time information across all platforms that impact both Main Street and Wall Street. Headquartered in New York — the business capital of the world — FBN launched in October 2007 and is one of the leading business networks on television, having topped CNBC in Business Day viewers for the second consecutive year in 2018. The network is available in nearly 80 million homes in all markets across the United States. Owned by FOX Corporation, FBN is a unit of FOX News Media and has bureaus in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.

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1 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

4 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

This video is a mini-masterclass in press release writing. It gives you a framework for crafting and writing your own press releases. I also go through the critical dos and don'ts of writing releases. These guidelines will help you create press releases that connect with journalists and influencers and will get your brand seen.

If you want to secure editorial coverage of your brand - whether in a print publication, on a website or on an influencer’s channel then you have to master the skill of writing your own press releases. It’s PR 101 and the staple in any PR’s wardrobe. Here’s how to master the art…

You can download the checklist I've created to accompany this video from my website (on the home page)

Follow me on CLUBHOUSE @joljones where I host weekly PR POWER HOUR MASTERCLASSES with experts from the beauty industry.


Instagram and Clubhouse @joljones


1 Просм. · 4 мес. назад

If you’re not used to writing press releases or you want to get better at writing them this video is for you. I've done a video on this before but I get asked so much about them that I thought it worth a re-visit :)

I used to fear writing press releases, a genuine fear that kept me up at night. Why? Because I knew a well-written press release was my gateway to media coverage. It would get my brand the attention I was looking for. Whereas a duff one would end up in the bin – whether it’s a virtual bin or an actual live bin!



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