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Free Press Release Distribution - Find Out Where To Submit Your Press Releases

2 Просм.· 15/05/24
172 - We've created a series of videos where we talk about free press release distribution, what a sample press release looks like and how to open up business opportunities using press releases etc.

Free Press Release Distribution

During this video I'd like to talk about Free Press Release Distribution Sites.

The best thing to say about these sites is that they're free, which is naturally a great benefit for businesses who have small budgets.

The downside is in line with the age old saying 'you get what you pay for' and the results from these sites are not often worthwhile.

Submitting releases to free press release distribution sites used to be a great method for creating back links to your site and increasing your SEO rankings, but google noticed that some businesses were inundating the press release sites with spammy releases in order to boost their rankings and therefore changed their algorithms to discount press releases in their search results.

In fact, google recommends that any links in the releases are 'no follow' links and that press releases be used for media attention and not for gaining SEO points.

The best thing is for you to test a few free press release distribution sites yourself so you can decide whether the time invested in submitting the press releases is worth the results you get.

In order to help you decide what the best free press release sites are for you to submit to here are 2 things to look for:

1. What is the page rank for the individual site - the higher the page rank the better, you're ideally looking for sites of page rank 4 and above.

2. What the Alexa traffic ranking is for the site - this is a figure that estimates website ranking based on a combination of unique visitors and page views.

Free press release distribution sites that currently rate highly on both these 2 points, that you may like to try, are:

Get your FREE Report called "How to write a press release that gets you tons of free publicity, gives you expert recognition and increases sales" by clicking here:

To watch Sharon's video about public relations go here:

To watch her video about how to write a press release go here:

To watch her video about how to get free advertising go here:

To watch her video about how to increase business opportunities go here:

To watch her video about what a press release format should look like go here:

To watch her video about how to get the best out of press releases go here:

To watch her video about how to get the best from a media release go here:

To watch her video where she gives a sample of a press release go here:

To watch her video where she talks about free press release distribution go here:

To watch her video where she explains what is a press release go here:

To watch her video where she talks about releases go here:

To watch her video where she talks about writing a press release go here:

To watch her video where she talks about being a public relations specialist go here:

To watch her video where she talks about being a public relations specialist go here:

To watch her video where she talks about free business advertising go here:

Public Relations
How To Write A Press Release
Press Release Template
Free Advertising
Business Opportunities
Press Release Format
Press Release Example
Press Releases
Media Release
Sample Press Release
Press Release Distribution
What Is A Press Release
Writing A Press Release
Public Relations Specialist
Free Business Advertising
Free Online Advertising
Press Release Sample
News Release
Free Press Release Distribution
How To Write Press Release
Publicity Stunt
Free Press Release
Free PR
How To Write A Press Release For An Event
How To Do A Press Release
Example Of Press Release
Example Press Release
News Release Format
Example Of A Press Release
Examples Of Press Releases
Press Release Definition
How To Write A Good Press Release
Event Press Release
How To Send A Press Release
News Release Example
How To Write A News Release
Public Relations Campaign
Free Press Release Sites
PR Tips




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