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Transportation Song | Transportation for kids | The Singing Walrus
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The "Transportation Song - Cars, Planes, and Trains" is a fun and groovy song for children. It introduces different means of transportation and their speed in relation to each other.
Every verse of the song features a vehicle, each showing a faster one than the last.
Those who are familiar with our cute characters will enjoy watching them move from place to place, riding a bike, a bus, a car, a train, a plane, and finally a rocket!
This transportation song for children not only introduces single words (bike, bus, car, etc.) but presents them in a whole sentence ("I ride on a bike"), which helps young learners of English improve their speaking skills.
Buy & Download this video (mp4):
Buy & Download this Song (mp3):
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/ar....tist/the-singing-wal
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/The_Singing_Walrus?id=Acadfghn7zw3q5i2c6bfr3gmcnu&hl=en
Here are the lyrics:
Verse 1
I ride on a bike
I ride on a bike, but I want to go faster
Verse 2
I ride on a bus
I ride on a bus, but I want to go faster
Verse 3
I ride in a car
I ride in a car, but I want to go faster
Verse 4
I ride on a train
I ride on a train, but I want to go faster
Verse 5
I fly on a plane
I fly on a plane, but I want to go faster
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, go!
I fly in a rocket
I fly into space in a rocket
The Singing Walrus creates fun teaching materials, such as kids songs, educational games, nursery rhymes, and kindergarten worksheets (e.g. handwriting worksheets) for parents and teachers. Come and join our community on Facebook, or subscribe to our Youtube Channel!
website: www.thesingingwalrus.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSingingWalrus
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