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Transportation Song | Transportation for kids | The Singing Walrus

1 Просм.· 11/12/23

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The "Transportation Song - Cars, Planes, and Trains" is a fun and groovy song for children. It introduces different means of transportation and their speed in relation to each other.
Every verse of the song features a vehicle, each showing a faster one than the last.

Those who are familiar with our cute characters will enjoy watching them move from place to place, riding a bike, a bus, a car, a train, a plane, and finally a rocket!

This transportation song for children not only introduces single words (bike, bus, car, etc.) but presents them in a whole sentence ("I ride on a bike"), which helps young learners of English improve their speaking skills.

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Here are the lyrics:

Verse 1
I ride on a bike
I ride on a bike, but I want to go faster

Verse 2
I ride on a bus
I ride on a bus, but I want to go faster

Verse 3
I ride in a car
I ride in a car, but I want to go faster

Verse 4
I ride on a train
I ride on a train, but I want to go faster

Verse 5
I fly on a plane
I fly on a plane, but I want to go faster

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, go!

I fly in a rocket
I fly into space in a rocket

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