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Top 5 Skill Moves In FIFA 23

35 Просм.· 01/06/24

It is always fun to be smarter than your opponents and trick them. With these Top 5 skill moves, you can do that. These are the most easy and effective skill moves to use in FIFA 23. The most effective one is the ballroll, which you can perform by holding the right stick up or down. Check out our channel for more videos on how to get better at FIFA! 👇 #shorts


The official YouTube channel of the world's first independent FIFA academy. We create the stars of the future.

Through the Team Gullit academy, we focus on creating the best atmosphere, providing the best training options, and creating the best tools for our talents, to enable them to succeed and to develop themselves as players. However, we are here for you too!

Our channel features videos that will make you better at FIFA Ultimate Team or FIFA in general. Expect skill move tutorials, attacking tutorials, defending tutorials, set pieces tutorials, formation guides, custom tactics, help with objectives on FUT and gameplay analysis videos. Looking for a tutorial that we haven't featured yet? Let us know in the comments!





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