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Steve's gotta get Alex unstuck again! #shorts

5 Просм.· 21/05/24

#minecraftanimation #thomas #train #minecraftsteve #thomasandfriends #steve #alex #monsterschool

A meme back from 2021 about Alex basically acting really stupid to get stuck in a fence while Steve acting like a simp runs to the rescue in a sus way however, in this plot he doesn’t want to be sus as the audience thinks it however, he is serious for his actions and gets her unstuck while the short cuts to the end right before he gets her unstuck until the audience felt some form of discomfort and cringe of suspicion.

Alex’s voice sound recordings are from a unknown actor in a Blue Monkey Minecraft Animation while Steve was voiced by me as Ryan, aka The Shinkansen Fan. Some material maybe used from other creators without permission and may have resulting changes.

Not suppose to be recommended or created for children as it is referencing something that could somewhat be inappropriate to some.



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