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Snacks I Packed For My Boyfriend

1 Просм.· 30/05/24

Here are snacks I packed for my boyfriend's road trip with his friends!

☀️ More recipes on the blog:

#snacks #lunchbox #lunchboxrecipe #lunchboxideas #chickensandwich #snackrecipes #snacktime #easysnacks #bentobox #bentoboxideas #bentoboxlunch

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✈️ Explore a world of food & recipes with Jeanelleats 🍽️

I'm Jeanelle, your world traveling, foodie friend. I love spotlighting international foods from my travels and my kitchen, blending my passion for eating and learning about new cultures. No boundaries, just incredible dishes and recipes that you can make at home. I used to be afraid to experiment in the kitchen, but I’m here to show you that cooking and baking can be SUPER simple.

🌍 I was born in the Philippines before my family immigrated to the United States. Having the best of both worlds allows me to share the incredible food that my family cooked, as well as the melting pot of cultures that I’ve experienced while traveling.

Let's explore the world through food and discover your next favorite dish! Thanks for being part of the Jeanelleats family, let’s eat, explore, and create delicious memories together 🍳🌈



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