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🎧 Relax Music with Binaural Beats [8D AUDIO] Lucid Dreaming, REM Sleep Hypnosis Music

3 Просм.· 13/05/24

8D Audio 🎧 Listen on a comfortable (low) volume when you sleep. Relaxing 8D audio and binaural beats delta waves @1Hz for healing REM sleep, lucid dreaming, meditation and sleep hypnosis.

The soothing frequency combination generates Binaural Delta Brainwaves @1.0Hz which are the perfect accompaniment for sleep and to beat insomnia, stress or anxiety. During sleep the body heals from toxins and restores it's energy. Enjoy the healing powers of REM sleep and wake up full of positive energy and refreshed.

Relax your mind and slow down anxiety or stress with the 60 bpm beat- the ideal heart rate to fall asleep. This deep music for healing sleep is also ideal as sleep meditation, Zen music, Yoga music and as Spa music.

===Binaural Beats have shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. The Binaural Beat frequencies may affect brainwaves - a process called "entrainment".

-===Examples of entrainment are gently rocking a baby to sleep, or falling asleep in a moving train. In history it has been used as ceremonious chanting to enter trance like states.

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Music composition, editing and animation: Zac Kaiser
Picture licensed from nazarnj via

Hello! If you’re new here, my name is Zac. I compose and produce original calming music and relaxing visuals- my goal is to help you beat stress, anxiety and insomnia here on YouTube.

I get asked about my gear, software and creative process so here are some FAQ:

*Why is there a 'spinning' circle in most of your videos?
SleepTube is the first and only sleep music channel with a unique breathing meditation circle. Deep breathing is shown to reduce stress with as little as six breaths.

Deep Breathing Study Reference:

*What software do you use?
I use a variety of DAW’s (Digital Audio Workstation) and software synths as well as sampling techniques. All compositions are original and produced by me personally. Visuals are created with Adobe's CC tools.

ASMR Microphone:
Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM

Genelec 8020 DPM

Sennheiser HD 300 Pro

*How about your camera?
I love my vintage analogue reflex cameras like the Minolta X-700 but I also shoot digital with my Canon 5D Mark II and Iphone 8 plus ☺

*What do you edit with?
Before FCP, now mostly Premiere. Both great.

*Which microphone do you use for your ASMR recordings?
I mostly use the Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder.

*Can I use your music?
All music/audio are original compositions created and produced by me. They can not be copied, reused, remixed or distributed.

Thanks for watching and much love to you if you subscribe or share this video with someone!

Zac 😴



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