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How To Write a Press Release Statement - Identify the Problem, Solution, and Results

3 Просм.· 15/05/24

When it comes to press releases, you need to get straight to the point.

00:00 How To Write a Press Release Statement: Identify the Problem, Solution, and Results
00:07 Determine The Purpose of Your Press Release
01:01 The Importance of Press Release Statements
01:25 Press Releases Broaden The Reach of Your Company

Your audience is busy and they want information that's relevant to them. They don't have time for extra fluff that doesn't help them make their decisions. That's why we've created this guide to writing a press release statement: This is your chance to give readers a reason why they should care about your story. Who is impacted by the problem? How do you solve it? What are the benefits of using your product/service over other solutions on the market? Include facts and statistics - they make your press release more credible in readers' eyes because they show that you've done research into your topic and have evidence to back up what you're saying. You can include quotes from experts in the field as well as numbers that show how many people are affected by this issue or how much money has been spent on solving it so far.

The Press Release Statement feature takes the guesswork out of your press releases. It identifies the three key elements of a press release, the problem or challenge faced, the solution that was applied and how it worked out for both people involved, and finally the summarized results. This simple process uses big words like "benefit," "achieved," and "exceeded."

Press releases are important for companies because they provide a template for customer-facing messaging. This helps your company reach more people and clarify its message points.

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