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How to Start (And Grow) a Blog

3 Просм.· 14/05/24

Today I’m going to show you how to start a blog. And how to grow it in 2022.

Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll learn:

The first section of the video is all about setting the foundation for your blog’s growth. Most people jump right into WordPress, install a bunch of plugins, etc. But the most successful blogs grow strategically.

Next, I show you why traditional blog posts don’t work anymore. And why Power Posts work way better for getting traffic and shares from your blog content. In fact, this is the strategy that I use to grow the Backlinko blog. And it still works.

Last up, you’ll learn how to promote your blog using a bunch of different tested strategies (including the most important of all: building your email list).

So now only will you learn how to start a blog from scratch. But I’ll also show you actionable tips that you can use to grow your blog as well. I hope you enjoy it.

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