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How to Play Morphling - An Immortal Player's ADVANCED Guide to Morphling (Dota 2)

7 Просм.· 21/05/24

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The Outlaw Dota Club:

How to Play Morphling - An Immortal Player's ADVANCED Guide to Morphling

0:00 Intro
2:11 Starting items
3:14 Laning Level 1
4:46 Laning Level 2
6:40 Laning Level 3+
7:25 Laning Level 4
7:35 Laning Level 5+
08:21 Laning items
09:11 Laning Examples
14:16 Early game
15:49 Core items
16:31 How to fight as Morph
24:04 Which heroes to Morph
27:41 Late game items
28:19 Countering Morphling
35:41 Ability tips and tricks

In this video we have another Dota 2 guide from Outlawdota. Today we're going to be talking about Morphling - one of the game's hardest and most iconic carry heroes. Morphling is the perfect hero for climbing to Immortal but you need to know how to play morphling if you're going to climb. That's why I put together this Dota 2 Morphling guide. We go super in depth here, we go way beyond the simple things. Enjoy



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