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Gerwin Boswijk plays: Wees mijn Leidsman, trouwe Heere | Klaas Jan Mulder | SWEELINQ Kampen

2 Просм.· 14/06/24

You will hear an arrangement on 'Wees mijn Leidsman, trouwe Heere' by the Kamper organist Klaas Jan Mulder (1930 - 2008), played on the sample set of the famous Hinsz organ in the Bovenkerk in Kampen, via sampler Sweelinq.

Gerwin uses here, among other things, the over-familiar combination of the flutes 8', 4' and 3' and the tremulant as the Cantus Firmus. But also the beautiful Sesquialter of the Choir and the Trumpet 8' of the Hoofdwerk return in this performance. Then this chorale arrangement builds up to a finale with an impressive 'full organ'. Klaas Jan Mulder also plays this arrangement on one of his CDs from the Bovenkerk in Kampen.

More information about our Cambiare Series can be found on our website:

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