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GERWIN & NUAGE - Lying Portraits ft.2SHY (ZERO T reprint)

3 Просм.· 14/06/24

Available NOW on VINYL / MP3 / FLAC
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Just when you thought Gerwin's epic double A single release 'Lying Portraits' b/w 'Soul Truth' -- alongside compadre Nuage and featuring the vocal talents of 2Shy - couldn't get any better, IM:LTD hired two funk soul brothers to give these tracks a well-deserved remix and it's not lying to say both of them spanked these remixes.

If anyone has more soul than the KFC Colonel himself, it's Brazilian boy Bungle, and his crusty remix of 'Soul Truth' is even better than that fried chicken we love so dearly. Taking the lethargic liquidity of the original and beefing it to a running dancefloor hit. If the precursor was for relaxation, this is for indulgence.

We often wonder how Zero T manages to find the time to perfect his music with so little to do. It's no surprise the Irish producer slapped his own moody style into 'Lying Portraits', as soaring synths and bouncy percussions have now turned this one into a heavy roller, while still painting the picture of the original.

Only the truth hurts.

Label: IM:LTD
Cat Ref: IMLTD 1212
Release date: 2013-10-21



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