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How Voice Technology and Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Medicine | Dr. Gerwin Schalk

4 Просм.· 14/06/24

Advances in voice technology and artificial intelligence are transforming healthcare and the medical field, with applications in diagnosing heart conditions, mental illness, and Parkinson's Disease.



Helios Life Enterprises (HLE) is a pioneer in voice-based artificial intelligence tonal analysis. HLE is the first and currently only company to conceive and devise a widely available data platform that delivers systematic analytics of an executive’s voice during critical corporate events. These analytics provide novel information that is useful for predicting future earnings surprises, company performance, and cumulative abnormal returns in the context of M&A events. Core product offerings include the Comprehend product suite for buy-side investors of all sizes and in limited pilot Mercury; a scaled research and audio analytics platform that allows a firm to extract full tonal value from their own proprietary audio.

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