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How Long Should Your Press Release Be

5 Просм.· 15/05/24

A press release is a great way to get the word out about your new business, but how long should your press release be when writing about your new business?

How Long Should Your Press Release Be?
Keep Your Release Short and Sweet
Make Sure Your Release is Easy to Read
Base the Length of Your Release on Your Audience
Keep Your Release Between 500 to 800 Words

If you're unsure about how long to make your press release, here are some tips:

Keep it short and sweet. You don't need to write a novel to get your message across. Your objective is simply to grab the attention of journalists who’ll be looking for something compelling to cover in their publication or blog post. So, keep in mind that if someone gets bored reading it or skips over parts, then you've failed at getting your message across effectively.

Make sure it's concise and easy to read! The best way to do this is by using bullet points and subpoints in order to break up the text into digestible chunks that are easy on the eyes. This also makes it easier for journalists who have limited time available. They'll be able to quickly scan through your release without missing anything important, all while still being able to pick up on any key points which might interest them.

If you're targeting newspapers and magazines, then one or two pages is probably fine. But if you're targeting online audiences, such as blogs, then a longer press release could help you get more attention from readers. So, if you have the time and resources, consider creating a longer version of your press release that you can share with bloggers and other websites.

Overall, in order to be effective, press releases must be concise and well-written. The ideal length of your release should be between 500 and 800 words long. This is a good length because it gives readers time to absorb the information without becoming bored or distracted by the length.

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